Reusable FAQs

Reusable Program Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Reusables is an easy way for you to enjoy food to-go without waste! To borrow a container, simply tap your credit or debit card (available at certain locations) on the Reusables reader at the dining hall or sign up with the Reusables app to get your ReuserID. If you’re just trying it for the first time, you’ll be able to use your phone number to get the first container.
Reusables are always free to borrow! You don’t get charged anything as long as you return your container within 5 days.
You can keep each container for up to 5 days from the time you checked it out.
You will get charged $7.00 plus tax if you don’t return within the 5 days which is automatically refundable for up to 30 days if you successfully return the container.
You can return the container to any of the 9 Smart Bins on campus and 6 Return Kiosks in dining halls!
At Smart Bins, simply scan the QR code on the container on the bin reader. Once the door opens, drop the container into the bin. You’re done!

At Return Kiosks, simply scan the tag on the container on the mounted tablet. Once the screen goes green, drop the container into the bin. You’re done!
Yes, you need to link a payment method to get your ReuserID or simply tap your credit/debit card at checkout. This is only to ensure security of the containers and you will not be charged anything to borrow.
You can have 3 containers on hand at a time. To get more, please return your old ones.
Please collect and drop off the found container into the bin and it will reconcile the last user’s account.
Yes, even though one student is returning all the containers, the container is linked to a unique student who checked it out in the first place. Therefore, upon returning, the account of the user who borrowed the container will be updated with the return.

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